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24LC 10 047 - The Leadership Mindset: The First Steps

24LC 10 047 - The Leadership Mindset:  The First Steps

This webinar is an ideal starting point for both primary and secondary teachers considering going for an AP post or senior leadership position or those who have been successful in such interviews and need to put a strategy in place for the coming year. (18 page journal provided) 

Learning Outcomes: 

  • The course hopes to promote reflect the aims of the LAOS 2022 document whereby it advocates for building professional networks with other school leaders. 
  • Similarly, through a supportive space, the webinars aim to empower educators to take on leadership roles. 
  • It aims to foster teacher professional development while simultaneously promoting the benefit of peer mentoring among teachers as professionals. 

Ann Byrne is an AP 1 post holder in a secondary school in Laois. She has a Master of Education in School Leadership from UL. This is her seven year in Middle Management. She was the SSE co-ordinator and Faith and Ethos post holder in her school 2022/3 , acting deputy Principal 23/24 and now returns to a year head position for 1st years in 2024/25. She feels those wishing to move into Middle Leadership and beyond need to be supported by those who have already made the journey before them and therefore created her podcast Lead the Way and now a unique course called The Leadership Mindset, the first steps. 

Course Details

Course Date 16-10-2024 7:00 pm
Course End Date 16-10-2024 8:30 pm
Cut off date 16-10-2024 12:00 pm
Registration fee / cost Free
Speaker Ann Byrne
Number Hours 1.5
Location Online
Categories Post Primary