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24LC 02 012 - Planning for the PLC around an anchor text in Junior and Senior infants Cancelled

This webinar will take participants on a journey for teaching the three strands of Literacy from Monday to Friday exploring a fictional text and using it to delve into related non-fiction genre. The focus will be on supporting children’s literacy knowledge and skills in a contextualised way.

This webinar will be accompanied by resources to support the suggested approach.

Participants will engage with planning for Literacy learning that employs a universal design of learning model.

Catherine Gilliland is an experienced Literacy specialist with numerous publications. Her work has taken her across Europe and was a speaker at The World Literacy Summit in 2020. Her talent for storytelling makes her webinars engaging and very popular with teachers.

Course Details

Course Date 26-02-2024 5:00 pm
Course End Date 26-02-2024 6:00 pm
Cut off date 26-02-2024 12:00 pm
Registration fee / cost €5.00
Speaker Catherine Gilliland
Number Hours 1
Location Online
Categories Primary