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24LC 10 044 - The Joys and Challenges of Opening a Special Class –

24LC 10 044 - The Joys and Challenges of Opening a Special Class –

The main purpose in opening a special class is to create a positive learning environment and learning experiences for pupils within an inclusive school culture. The Inclusion Illusion challenges all of us to question whether we are an inclusive school and whether our SEN pupils are involved in success-oriented learning with meaningful learning tasks. This is our story.  

Learning Outcomes 

1. Provide participants with practical timelines and resources for the setting up of an ASD class.  

2. Explore strategies and practices associated with ASD communities of practice. 

3. Explore the changes to whole school culture and practices following the opening of a special class.  

Resources -- Participants will be given a copy of the presentation which includes many photographs of The Meadow in Johnstown. Participants will be invited to contact the presenter with questions or queries. 

Caroline Quinn has been in the teaching profession for 41 years and is a recently retired Principal at Our Lady of Good Counsel GNS in Johnstown, Killiney 2006-2022. This mainstream school has 450 pupils and three classes for ASD pupils since 2011. 

Course Details

Course Date 15-10-2024 7:00 pm
Course End Date 15-10-2024 8:00 pm
Cut off date 15-10-2024 12:00 pm
Registration fee / cost Free
Speaker Caroline Quinn
Number Hours 1
Location Online
Categories Primary, Other