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25LC 01 014 BEC - 12 things to do to Improve your Study & Mindset: Building Positive Habits for the New School Year

Getting off to a good start with your students matters.

This course demonstrates how to help students embed sound habits that stand the test of time. It outlines practical ways that teachers can make every class a ‘learning to learn’ class, where students can practise strategies that enable them to study more effectively and ‘own’ their learning.

Intended Audience
Teachers (upper primary and second-level), Guidance Counsellors, Study Skills Co-ordinators, Parents.

1hr 15mins.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will be enabled to:

Understand the brain and the role the different parts play in well-being and learning – the survival brain, the stressed brain, the thinking brain, the contented brain.

 Explore a range of activities that enables the learner to lay down sound study, learning and mindset habits.

 Discuss the implications for teaching and learning and explore strategies – active and reflective – through video exemplars – to leverage learners’ innate strengths, empowering them to become more independent in their learning.

Course Details

Course Date 21-01-2025 7:00 pm
Course End Date 21-01-2025 8:15 pm
Cut off date 21-01-2025 12:00 pm
Registration fee / cost €5.00
Speaker Fidelma Healy Eames
Number Hours 1.15
Location Online
Categories Primary, Post Primary, Other